Thursday Mar. 13, 2025
The Calendar module displays events in a fashion that looks like the monthly calendar you may have hanging on your wall. You can enter events for specific days for any month or year.

When you go to the Calendar admin or user page, you will see the current month of events displayed in a common calendar format. Every day of the month will be displayed and the current day may or may not be highlighted (depending on the needs of your site).

Above the calendar are the previous 3 months and the coming 3 months. Clicking these months will direct you to the calendar for that month where you can continue to traverse the months of the year.

The administration links for the calendar are located above the calendar itself. You can view a list of current events at any time by clicking the View List link. You can add a new event or manage the categories for your calendar.

Add New

To add a new event, click the link at the top of the list to "Add New". This will load a form for entering the information for your new event.

Category: Select the category under which you wish to publish your event. In most cases, you may only have a single category under which all of your events are posted. However, your events may be categorized to be displayed on separate pages. The "New Category" link to the right of this selection will allow direct you to a new page where you can create/manage your categories without saving the current page data.

Title: Enter the title of your event.

Description: Enter a description of your event as you wish the user to see it. It is recommended that you are brief with your entry for display on your site, however you are not restricted. Most events are displayed in pop-up windows which are not as large as a full page. You can enter more information in a Section page or elsewhere and refer the reader to that page if you need more room.

Date: Enter the date of the event as it should be displayed in the calendar.

Type: In some cases, you may want to place multiple events in your calendar that occur on the same day. You can specify the start and end times of these events and display them accordingly in the calendar. Please note that this may dependent on the original construction of your website.

Start Time: An optional start time of the event.

End Time: An optional end time of the event.

Link Name: In some cases, you may want events in your calendar to go to a particular page rather than pop-up a window containing your description as entered above. Although the link name will be implemented as you requested at the time of development, enter a link name to accompany the link below.

Link URL: In some cases, you may want events in your calendar to go to a particular page rather than pop-up a window containing your description as entered above. This is the link that will open when the user clicks the event listed in your calendar.

Preview/Post: You may preview your event before posting it to your site to confirm that it will appear as you expect. Press Post to post the event and make it available on your site.


The categories allow you to organize your events in separate calendars. Most sites do not require the use of multiple categories and will not require any administration. This page provides you with a list of your existing categories as well as links to go back to the calendar listings or add a new category.

If your site does use multiple categories, then they will allow you to display category specific events on separate pages.

Add New

Title: This is the name of your category. This is the only required field.

Description: This description of your category entered here may be used differently depending on the construction of your website. It may be displayed at the top of the news page for the user or may be displayed on a page listing all of your available news categories.

Image: This image may not be used depending on the construction of your website.

Post: Save your changes.