Thursday Mar. 13, 2025
Content Management System
The Tresware Content Management System allows you to manage your website from any browser. Our proprietary software is developed in-house and is tailored to fit the needs of each individual client. Therefore, information found here may vary slightly depending on your development package.

The Editor (WYSIWYG)

Our CMS comes with a few wysiwyg (what you see is what you get) editors for working with text. These editors allows you to manage the pages of your website without having to know the code that makes your website work. These editors are very similar to the word processing programs such as MS Word you are used to working with. In most cases, if you are familiar with MS Word, then you will have little trouble working with these editors.

One import note when working with these editors must be made in regards to entering text. You can copy and paste text into your editor, however what displays in the editor might not be exactly what you see on the final page. If you copy your text from an MS Word document, there is hidden code that is copied with your text that can affect what you see. So, rather than copying from MS Word, it is recommended that you either type it all or that you copy it from a plain text editor such as Notepad (which comes with Windows).

The following WYSIWYG editors have been modified to work with out CMS:

Module Administration

The following is a list of available modules.