Thursday Mar. 13, 2025
The Dynamic Menu (DynaMenu) is a menu system that dynamically expands and collapse upon rollover with your mouse. Such a menu might be implemented on your site that expands a single menu option with a drop-down of a submenu with additional links.

There is only one page for administrating this menu as you may only have a single dynamic menu installed on your site. The page will first display all existing menu items. The last entry is an empty entry where you can add a new item to the menu list.

In defining the relationship of links, I will refer to a main link as the Parent link with all sublinks of that parent as child links (or children).

The columns of entry for administration are as follows:

Order: This is the order in which the links will be displayed. The order is relative to all the entries of its parent. This means that if you have 3 links under the parent link Contact Us, that those 3 links will be numbered 1, 2, and 3 without regard to the order of Contact Us.

Link Title: This is the title of the link and is displayed as the highlighted text in your menu. Enter the menu item here.

Destination URL: This is the page to which you are linking. You may enter either a relative URL or a fully qualified URL (starting with http://).

Target: This field is not often used. It defines how the page will open with the following known entries:
_blank: Open this link in a new browser window. This will keep your existing window (your site) open in the background. This is recommend for links that lead off of your website.
<named>: Open this link in a defined browser window. This is only used when working in frames of a website which is rarely done anymore.
Parent: This is the parent link for this link. If no parent is defined, then this will be a primary link option and it will not appear in a submenu. Otherwise, this option will appear in a submenu of the parent that is selected.

Delete: Check this box next to each menu item you want to delete. When you press Update to apply your changes, these entries will be removed.

Press Update when you are done to implement any changes made.