The purpose of this module is to ban users from accessing your website as well as warn those that might have caused issues on your website. You can immediately ban IP addresses using the Meta module, however this module provides more options. With the Ban module, you can manage and watch those visitors you have trouble with. You can enter a specific username, user ID, host, or ip address to watch. When a related visitor comes to your site, the action is logged, an optional message is displayed and the appropriate action (ban or warn) is taken. The columns on this administration page are laid out as follows: Type: The type of Ban will either be "ban" or "warn". The second part of of this column will be either "none" or "auto" meaning that ip addresses associate with user-based entries will automatically be banned as well. User: The username that being banned. IP: The IP address being banned. Host: The host being banned. Log: The last date an entry was made in the log. Edit/Delete: Modification options for this entry.
Add New / Edit The following fields for a new or existing entry are as follows: Date Added: This is the date this entry was added. Action: You can Ban a user matching your criteria from accessing your site. You can Warn users matching your criteria when entering your site. You can Allow users access to your site to override previous Ban actions. Auto-Ban ID: If set to Yes, visitors that match an entries Host or IP setting will be automatically banned. User ID: The user ID to trigger the ban or warning system. Note that the user must be logged in for this to work. This means they can access your site when they are not logged in. Username: The username to trigger the ban or warning system. Note that the user must be logged in for this to work. This means they can access your site when they are not logged in. IP Address: This is the IP address of the user or users you wish to ban. You may enter the beginning of an IP address and all IP addresses that match this entry will be affected. However, it is not recommended to enter a partial IP address as this might ban more visitors than you anticipated. Host: The host name (internet service provider) of the visitors you wish to affect. This is good if you want to ban/warn all those logging in from a specific location. You may enter the ending portion of a host name and all visitors that match this entry will be affected. However, it is not recommended to enter a partial host name as this might ban more visitors than you anticipated. Description: For your notes, you may enter a description of why this entry was made. Message/Response: This is the optional message to be displayed to the visitor that matches any ban/warning. Post: Press Post to update your changes.