The Blocks administration allows you to manage your blocks of content. These are often your top or side menus, areas of text such as the text on the Contact Us page, and other similar items. The columns are defined as such: Pos.: This is the position of of your block as created by the programmer. The name of this position might not be clear to you as the user, but all these blocks are accessible from the user's page by pressing "Show Edit Tags" from within the admin menu bar at the top of the screen, then pressing Edit under the block content on the page. Order: This is the order in which it is displayed. This is important if you have more than one block using the same position. For instance, you might use several blocks in the left column of your site. Title: This is the title of the block and may be displayed in conjunction with the block content on the page. Description: This is a description of the function of the block. This is to assist in determining how this block is used in your site. Vers.: This is the version of the block. Edit: Here you can edit the block title and display options. Manage: This allows you to remove (delete) the block. Status: You can make the block either active or inactive with this link. Inactive blocks are not seen on the pages, but are also not deleted from the administration in case you wish to turn it off without completely removing it.
Add New Block / Edit Block Block Title: This is the title of the block and this is not a required field. Block Active: From here you can make the block either active or inactive as described above. Block Position: This is the position in which the block will be placed as defined by the programmer of your site. Additional: There may be additional option available depending on the block. Each block is individually programmed to provide you with your required content for your pages. Update: Press Update to save your changes.