Thursday Mar. 13, 2025

The Meta module allows you to manage the meta tags of each individual page. It also allows you to rename a page.

An added option to this module was the IP Deny option. This will allow you to specify an IP address to be banned from your site.

Meta Tags

The first page of this module will list your current meta tag entries for specific pages. The Link column is the page that has been added while the Edit the Delete links to the right will allow you to modify this entry.

Add Meta Tag / Edit

On this page you can add a new meta tag entry for a specific page or you can edit an existing one.

You do not need to enter the meta tag information for any of your pages. This data will be automatically generated for you. However, it is recommended that you enter page specific information which better reflects the content on this page.

If you leave the Title, Key Words or Description fields blank, this information will be automatically generated while that which has been specified will remain specified.

Name: This name field is for your reference only. It is recommended to enter the name of the page for easy reference later.

Link: This link is the actual link to the page you are modifying. The link fields represent the PHP URL referring that page. In most cases, this link will be the actual link of the page as in your website. If you page has been named in a format that doesn't look like what you see here, then here is a general guideline for determining your page link. Either some of all of these fields are required to properly update your page.

If you access this page using the administration link from the bar at the top of the page (Edit These Metatags), these fields will already be populated for you and require nothing more.

  • mod= : this is the name of the module for the page being requested.
  • op= : this is the operation being requested for your page.
  • id= : this is the item ID of the page being requested.
  • file= : this is the file being requested.

If the page you are updating reads as Sections-read-1.html, this refers to a Link of mod=Sections&op=read&id=1. In the unusual case of Static module pages, the page Static-contact.html refers to a link of mod=Static&id=contact.

Canonical: Enter the preferred URL of duplicated pages. Google describes this option in more depth.

Title: Enter the title of the page as it should be displayed in the code of the page.

Key Words: Enter the keywords of the page as they should be displayed in the code of the page.

Description: Enter the description of the page as it should be displayed in the code of the page.

Header: Enter code that you may wish to have displayed in the head source code of this page. For example, you may have javascript code that needs to be placed in the < head > tags of your page. You can enter that code in this box. Do not enter regular text such as that added in the above text boxes.

Have a script you want to insert that needs to load automatically when the page is complete? You can specify multiple onload functions by adding this code to your javascript: window.onload = makeOnload(window.onload, myNewFunction );

Footer: Similiar in function to the Header except that what is entered here is posted with the HTML of the page. Whatever is entered here will be posted at the foot of the page.

H1 Tag: This field is dependant on the original setup of your website. It can be used to insert text on this specific page to assist in search engine placement.

Paragraph Text: This field is dependant on the original setup of your website. It can be used to insert text on this specific page to assist in search engine placement.

Post: Press Post to apply your changes.


Redirectors allow you to create a new page URL (name) for any page on your site. When this new page URL is encountered, the visitor is seamlessly redirected to the actual page.

To create a new redirector, you must enter two items of information. The New URL is the new page URL (name) that you would like to rename your page to. The Existing URL is the existing link to that page. Enter these into the empty fields at the bottom of the list of existing fields to add a new entry.

This entry does not update the links throughout your website. We do not assume that this new name is to be applied anywhere for you. If you want to update the links in your menus or pages, you must go and edit those areas of your site with this new information.

We have enabled a "Replace" option. By checking this box, those modules listed at the top of the page will be search for the corresponding URL and that URL will be replaced automatically.

The checkbox for 301 redirect does not work on all servers. Enabling this option will redirect anyone that visits the "Existing URL" to the "New URL" while simultaneously telling search engines that this "Existing URL" is to no longer be used. You may wish to test this option on one URL and visit that "Existing URL" to see if it works. You will see an error if your server does not support this function.

IP Deny

The IP Deny option is a separate function to the Ban module which offers more features. Entering an IP address, complete or partial, will ban all visitors whos IP address matches your entry.

Entering a complete IP address will ban that IP address from accessing any part of your website.

Entering a partial IP address will ban anyone attempting to visit your site with a matching pattern of what was entered. For example, if I enter 111.22.33, then all IP addresses that start with those numbers will be banned from your site. It is recommended that this option be used with caution as you might end up banning those you don't intend to ban.


The CMS has the dynamic ability to find the most used words on a page and implement them with the keywords for the search engine. This means those pages that do not have specified keywords will have keywords automatically generated for you. However, there are some common words that you may not want included such as "come", "here", etc. The excludes list is a list of keywords that should never be included in this dynamic generation of keywords.

Enter the keywords you do not dynamically added to the keywords meta tag. After each word entered, press the enter key so that each word is on it's own line.

Press Update when you are done and the list will instantly be updated.


Robots are programs that automatically come to your website and read through it for indexing within the search engines. A robots.txt file is a file that is initially looked for and read by the search engine to determine what if anything should be indexed.

By default, everything is set to be indexed. However, you could specify certain files or folders as off limits so they don't show up in the search engines.

For more information on the robots.txt file, please refer to the wiki entry found here .
