Sections are the "main pages" of your website. They are often used to create pages such as "About Us", "What We Do", etc. They are your general pages of content.
The first page will list up to 50 of your sections in descending order of having been created. The ID helps to identify each entry and the category displays the category under which it has been posted.
The links to the right of each section allows you to view, edit and delete that item. View will open the page as the user sees it. The View link is the same link you can copy and paste into any menus that you are create to link to this page.
Add New
Date: Enter the date of your section.
WYSIWYG: Select OFF and press the Preview button to turn off the WYSIWYG editor for this Section. This features is helpful if you are trying to enter special code that may be altered incorrectly by the WYSIWYG editor.
Category: Select the category under which you wish to publish your section. In most cases, you may only have a single category under which all of your sections are posted. However, your sections may be categorized to be displayed on separate pages or with different appearances. The "New Category" link to the right of this selection will allow direct you to a new page where you can create/manage your categories without saving the current page data.
Title: Enter the title of your section.
Content: This is the body of your page. Enter all the text, images, etc. you want to have displayed.
Images: Your website may or may not have been setup with this feature. This image is displayed based on the construction of your website. You can define an image that already exists on your website or the internet if you already know the link to that image. You may instead upload an image that you have saved on your computer by pressing the Browse button.
There are restrictions to uploading your own images. They must be JPG type images and they must be under 200Kb in size (you don't want your visitors having to download larger images on your pages).
Preview/Post: You may preview your section before posting it to your site to confirm that it will appear as you expect. Press Post to post the section and make it available on your site.
Editing an article avails you to the same options as listed above for adding a new article.
The categories allow you to organize your articles. Most sites do not require the use of multiple categories and will not require any administration. This page provides you with a list of your existing categories as well as links to go back to the section listings or add a new category.
If your site does use multiple categories, then they will allow you to display category specific content on separate pages.
Add New
Title: This is the name of your category. This is the only required field.
Description: This description of your category entered here may be used differently depending on the construction of your website. It may be displayed at the top of the sections page for the user or may be displayed on a page listing all of your available news categories.
Image: This image may not be used depending on the construction of your website. It may be placed within the text of the article for classification. It may also be used on the page that lists all of your available categories.
Post: Save your changes.