The CMS module controls the entire website and how it works. It is recommended that this module is not adjusted from a working status or it could render your website unavailable to you and your visitors.
Main Settings
Changing any of these settings could be detrimental to your site. Please contact Tresware before continuing.
Site Status: Remove access to all page to anyone other than the website administrator. The login page will be accessible, but no other page will.
Site Name: The name of your site as inserted within dynamically generated Meta tags.
Site URL: The URL of your site.
Logout Time: The amount of time a cookie is saved before being deleted. Since users are kept logged in via cookies, this determines how often then will need to log back into the site.
Admin. Name: The administrators name as displayed on automated emails.
Admin. Email: The administrators email address as displayed on automated emails.
Admin Home Page: The default administration page when the Administration button is pressed. The page is expressed in terms of module (mod), operation (op) and ID (id).
Visitor Home Page: The default user page when a visitor views the home page of the site. The page is expressed in terms of module (mod), operation (op) and ID (id).
Login Home Page: The page the user is directed to after successfully logging into the site. The page is expressed in terms of module (mod), operation (op) and ID (id).
Theme Name: The theme (look) of your website.
Enable WYSIWYG: The "What You See Is What You Get" editor used in the various textareas of the site.
Enable BBCode: If installed, you may enable BBCode in portions of the site or the entire site.
Bots: A list of search engine spiders (bots) by name that frequent your site. Listing them here will reduce the load on your server by ignoring them within the "Members Online" system. They must be separated by commas and without spaces.
Tags & Footer
These settings allow you to adjust site-wide Meta tag, header and footer details.
Page Title: If a page does not have a pre-defined title by the Meta module, an entry here will take precidence. Leaving this field blank will dynamically generate a page title therefore it is recommended to leave this field blank.
Metatag Keywords: If a page does not have a pre-defined meta keywords by the Meta module, an entry here will take precidence. Leaving this field blank will dynamically generate page keywords therefore it is recommended to leave this field blank.
Keyword Count: The maximum number of keywords to insert into the keywords meta tag.
Metatag Description: If a page does not have a pre-defined meta description by the Meta module, an entry here will take precidence. Leaving this field blank will dynamically generate page description therefore it is recommended to leave this field blank.
Additional Header Tags: Place in here any code you wish to be displayed between the tags on all pages of your site. This is necessary when inserting tracking codes for some websites such as Google Analytics.
Have a script you want to insert that needs to load automatically when the page is complete? You can specify multiple onload functions by adding this code to your javascript: window.onload = makeOnload(window.onload, myNewFunction );
Additional Footer Tags: Place in here any code you wish to be displayed at the end of your HTML on all pages of your site. This is necessary when inserting tracking codes for some websites such as Google Analytics.
Page Footer: This allows you to adjust the copywrite footer at the bottom of the page.
Update: Press Update to apply your changes.
Upload CFG
Changing any of these settings could be detrimental to your site. Please contact Tresware before continuing.
Upload INI
Changing any of these settings could be detrimental to your site. Please contact Tresware before continuing.