The Polls module allows you to create polls for your users. Polls are questions with multiple choice answers where as your users can select one answer as a vote. To prevent abuse of the polls via multiple posts, records are kept of who vote for what for the life of each poll. The IP address and user ID is logged and duplicates cannot be made. This way each user can only vote once. This also means that anyone, not just registered users, are welcome to participate in your polls if you desire. The first page of the polls administration lists all of your polls in descending order. The last 50 polls are listed with older polls being present on additional pages. The details of each poll listed are as follows: Date: The date this poll was created. Title: The title of the poll. Category: The category to which this poll was assigned. Categories are defined in more detail below Votes: The total number of votes recorded for this poll. Edit/Delete: Modifications options for this poll. Add New / Edit Existing Adding a new poll and editing an existing poll provides you with the same form for enter information. The form fields are as follows: Poll ID: This is the unique ID assigned to polls. This is only present on existing polls when editing. Category: Select the category under which you wish to publish your poll. In most cases, you may only have a single category under which all of your poll s are posted. However, your polls may be categorized to be displayed on separate pages or with different appearances. The "New Category" link to the right of this selection will allow direct you to a new page where you can create/manage your categories without saving the current page data. Title: Enter the title of your poll as will be displayed to the user. This is often the question being posed to the user. Details: Enter the details of your poll. The details could be a story beghine the question being polled or any additional information that you may want to supply to the user. This may be displayed to the user depending on the layout of your site. Options: Enter up to 10 options the user may select as a response to this poll. Once the poll has been created, you won't want to change the options too drastically as the responses saved for each poll refer to the option number. Therefore if option 1 was "Yes" and option 2 was "No", swapping these values may invalidate your poll results. Preview/Post: You may preview your poll before posting it to your site to confirm that it will appear as you expect. Press Post to post the poll and make it available on your site. Categories The categories allow you to organize your polls. Most sites do not require the use of multiple categories and will not require any administration. This page provides you with a list of your existing categories as well as links to go back to the poll listings or add a new category. If your site does use multiple categories, then they will allow you to display category specific news on separate pages. Add New Title: This is the name of your category. This is the only required field. Description: This description of your category entered here may be used differently depending on the construction of your website. It may be displayed at the top of the sections page for the user or may be displayed on a page listing all of your available news categories. Image: This image may not be used depending on the construction of your website. It may be placed within the text of the article for classification. It may also be used on the page that lists all of your available categories. Post: Save your changes.