Note: This editor is installed with your CMS by default.
Additional Features
Aside from the obvious options presented in the image above, there are some features which should be described for proper use.
Image Upload
If you want to add an image to the page and that image doesn't already exist online, then you will need to upload it. Once the image is saved to your computer, press the 'Insert/edit image' icon
to access the image insertion window displayed below.

To the right of the Image URL field is a file manager icon (circled). Click this window to access the image upload area thereby opening the window you see below.

Within this window, you can select you images or upload new ones.
File Upload
In some cases, you may want to insert a link into your text that links to a PDF or other file. This can be easily done by pressing the Edit/Insert Link icon
. This will pop-up a new window to manage your images as shown below.

While you can type in the relative or full URL for your link, you will also notice an icon to the right of the Link URL field. Click this icon to open a second pop-up window. This second window (see above under images) will provide you with the ability to upload a file that is saved on your computer. Clicking any of the existing files will insert a link to that file into your Link field in the first pop-up window.