The Banners module allows you to post advertising banners in any location of your site. If multiple banners are assigned to the same position on your site, then they can either rotate with each page view or all banners can be listed in a specific order. The means of display are determined upon setup of your site with the programmer.
Banners can be used to program or earn money. You can offer advertising to companies that wish to post banners on your site (such as with Google). You can instead post banners about your own products to keep users interested in what you can offer them.
Banner administration will also allow you to offer advertisers a private page to view the progress of their banners. Once logged in, they can view how many clicks their banners receive, where most of the clicks are generated and how they performed over time.
The URL to view banners as a user is: index.php?mod=Banners
The first page of the Banner administration page present you with a list of all your current running banners in order of name. The columns are presented as follows:
Name: This is the name of the banner given to more easily identify this particular banner. Often, this name is displayed in the image Title tag which may be displayed to all users when they hover their mouse over the banner.
Acc.: This is the user ID (account) to which the banner belongs. If specified, the user to which this ID belongs can login and view the progress of their banners. If this number is 0, then no user can view said information.
Type: The type of banner represents the location of where this banner is displayed. Each type of banner can be positioned anywhere within your site's code thereby allowing you unlimited positioning of banners. This feature must be established at the time your website is created.
Clicks: This number represents the total number of clicks received by visitors.
Impressions: This is the number of impressions allowed by the banner. The banner will be displayed this number of times and no more.
Edit/Delete: These links perform the described actions.
Add New / Edit
Adding a new Banner and editing an existing Banner provides you with the same form for enter information. The form fields are as follows:
Access: Enter the registered username of the user you wish to grant access to this banner and its linking information. You can leave this field blank if you don't want anyone seeing the click results or you can enter a registered username. You can add more usernames to this banner by editing it once it has been established.
Name: Enter the name of this banner. The name may be displayed when any visitor hovers over the banner image on your website. It is also used to more easily identify this banner from within the administration.
Image: Enter the image URL of this banner. The URL can be relative if the banner is located on your web server or it can be a fully qualified URL (beginning with
http://). Click URL: Enter the URL of where the visitor will be directed when they click this banner. The is the destination point for the user that wants to know more about this banner.
Impression Limit: Enter the maximum number of times this banner is to be displayed on your site. Leave it blank or enter 0 for unlimited impressions. Enter 1 and the banner will be displayed once and never again.
Type: The type determines where on the site this banner will be located. You can enter multiple banner of the same type to have them all display in the same location either as a list or in rotation.
Other Code: Sometimes you may have a banner that requires additional code to be displayed. This may be Flash or it my be Javascript. This is where you can enter such code to be displayed with or as your banner.
Preview/Post: Press Preview to confirm the banner looks correct and press Post to update this banner and complete the process.
The Access link at the top of the page will also allow you to administrate the users that have access to each banner. As mentioned above, users can access details above their banners such as monthly and overall clicks.
While you can assign usernames to each banner separately, this page presents you with a list of usernames already assigned to banners and the option to add more or less.
At the bottom of this list is a blank entry. Here you can enter a new combination of username and banner.
User: Enter the username of the user that will have access to the banner statistics page.
Banner: Select the existing banner to which this user will have access.
Delete: Check this delete box to delete this user from the banner stats page for this banner.
Update: Press Update to apply any changes. If you do not press Update, then no changes will be made.
User Page
The user page can only be viewed by those users you have identified in the administration. They can also only view those banners you have provided them access to. The first page they see provides them with a list of accessible banners in the follow manner:
Name: This is the name of the banner as was defined in the administration.
Type: This is the type of banner as was defined in the administration.
Clicks: This is the current total number of clicks this banner has received.
Impressions: This is the total number of impressions this banner has received.
Details: Click this link to see more details about the banner.
The details page provides a lot of information about the individual banner and how it has performed. The page is broken down into 5 sections.
Account Details Banner Name: The name of this banner as was defined in the administration.
Banner Type: The type of this banner as was defined in the administration.
Total Lifetime Clicks: The total number of clicks received by this banner during its entire stay on your site. To the right of this value are quick clicks (anchors) to information about the current month and overall history also found on this page.
Total Lifetime Impressions: The total number of impressions received by this banner during its entire stay on your site. To the right of this value is a link to the impressions log found at the bottom of this page.
Allowed Impressions: The total number of allowed impressions as was defined in the administration.
Current Month's Clicks Clicks for this Month: The total number of clicks received this month.
Top 10 Exit Pages: This is a list of the top 10 pages on which the banner was clicked for this month. Each page is listed with a link to that page and the number of clicks that page received.
Last Month's Clicks Clicks for this Month: The total number of clicks received last month.
Top 10 Exit Pages: This is a list of the top 10 pages on which the banner was clicked for last month. Each page is listed with a link to that page and the number of clicks that page received.
All Clicks Prior to This Month Clicks for this Month: The total number of clicks received this for all time prior to this month (including last month).
Top 10 Exit Pages: This is a list of the top 10 pages on which the banner was clicked for all time prior to this month. Each page is listed with a link to that page and the number of clicks that page received.
Impressions Log Impressions this Day: The total number of impressions received this day.
Impressions this Month: The total number of impressions received this month.
Impressions Total: The total number of impressions ever made.