Thursday Mar. 13, 2025
The Members module allows you to handle all of your registered users. You can create, edit and delete them as needed. Although each Members module can be customized according to your needs by a programmer, the information below represents the default system.

This first page will list the 50 most recently registered users and provide page links for additional lists.

At the top of this module page is a search function. You may enter any part of a members username, email address or ID to quickly locate a specific user.

The columns provide you with the following information:

ID: The registered ID of that user which is unique to that user.

Username: The name under which they are registered and must use to login. This is their login name.

Contact: Various links for contacting this user.

Active: The date they were last logged as signing into your website.

Register: The date they registered.

Edit: A link to edit this user.

Status: This is the group (level) to which they belong as indicated by color.
  • Red: This user has registered, but their account is not yet active. Most cases this is because a user has registered but not yet confirmed their account. After two days of being registered, their account may be automatically removed. After that time, if a user's account is made inactive this way, they will not be able to login but their account will remain in the database.

  • Green: This is a General member who is registered and able to login as such.

  • Blue: This is a Preferred member who is registered and able to login as such.

  • Yellow: This is a Preferred Plus member who is registered and able to login as such.

Clicking on any of these colored buttons will change the status of this user to that type of membership. This can also be achieved by editing the member account.

Action: As broken into multiple options:

  • Edit: Edit the member's details.
  • Logins: A member may attempt to incorrectly login to an account up to 3 times before having to wait one hour be attempting again. This is to discourage hacking attempts. This link will reset the members login attempts to zero so they may attempt to login again immediately.
  • Pose: In some cases, you may need to pose as another member. Pressing this link will allow you to pretend to be this user until you decide to log out of that user's account.
  • Delete: This link will delete this member from the database. It is recommended to deactivate the member by pressing the Red button rather than deleting the member. This will save all data that is associated with this member for later reference while still making sure the user cannot log back into the site.

Menu Options

The following is a breakdown of the menu options found at the top of the members list in the administration of this module.

View Members: This is the members list page and is the default page for this module.

Add Member: This will allow you to add a new member to the system. This option is necessary to create new members as an administrator.

Data Fields: This option has been depreciated.

Add Data Field: This option has been depreciated.

Plugins: This option has been depreciated.

Online: Click this link to pop-up a list of users currently visiting your website. This list will tell you who and where they are on your site.

Settings: This link will allow you to adjust the settings for the Members module. This option will be set for you upon installation and does not require your management.

Add New / Edit Existing

The Add Member link will allow you to add a new member to the user database. Clicking Edit next to an existing member will open the same page, but populate it with their existing information for editing.

User Name: This the name under which the user will login. This name will be part of their login.

Real Name: The real name of this user for identification purposes.

Email Address: The email address of this user.

Password: The password must be entered twice to confirm that it was entered correctly.

Other: An additional fields are not required and may not be displayed depending on the configuration of your site.

Update: Press this button to save your changes.

Referer Information: When editing users, this information will be displayed at the bottom of the page. It contains details of their last two logins to your site. This can be used to trace a user for whatever purpose. It may be helpful in determining a user's IP address which can then be banned from your site within the Ban module.


This settings will allow you to adjust the settings for the Members module.

Default Page After Registration: This is the page a user will be redirected to after they register for the site.

Allow Registration: This option will allow or disallow registration by new members.

Require Email Confirmation: When a user registers, you may want to verify that they actually exist by requiring them to confirm their registration by email before accepting them as a member.

Email is Username: This option will set the member's email address as their username rather than allowing a separate entry.

Require All Additional Fields: Whether or not it is required for registrants to fill out all fields or only the username (except when noted above), email address and password.

Manage Additional Fields: This option has been depreciated.

Days Old: If this option is set to a number greater than zero, any registrant that does not have an active account after this number of days from initial registration will be deleted. This prevents people from registering accounts that are never confirmed thereby taking a username and making unavailable for a legitamate account.
